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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

it's all relative

Dirt, cleanliness, pain, tiredness; I now realize it all depends on what you're used to!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cleanliness I can not do without. Tiredness I have come to accept. Pain I feel more often as I get older. Dirt, I will never ever like dirt. In fact, my mom told me how she made me play in the mud once when I was about 3 and I guess I sobbed for hours. :) ... Glad you made it through last week!

May 31, 2007 11:05 a.m.

Blogger KJ's muse said...

Thanks Krissa.

In fact, my mom told me how she made me play in the mud once when I was about 3 and I guess I sobbed for hours. :)

Aw, you poor thing!

June 01, 2007 11:48 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This isn't about dirt, but it lets you "in" on some things. In my "Baby Book", my first full sentence was...(here it comes)....
"This is crawling with ants!" exclamation point and all. And no, my parents are not like me when it comes to bugs and dirt. :) And yes, according to my mother, I said it that way. Add "what's that smell?" to the mud story and ant quote and nothing much has changed.

June 03, 2007 10:14 a.m.

Blogger KJ's muse said...

Snort. Too funny. I've never been a big fan of dirt, mud or creepy crawly things either. :)

June 03, 2007 11:54 a.m.


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